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Compatibility of foods for weight loss, a table for compiling a menu


How often do you hear statements like “meat should be eaten separately from bread" or “fruit should not be eaten after pasta”? Indeed, people who are faced with the problem of excess weight hear and say them very often. Many well-known nutritionists "prescribe" their clients exactly a separate diet to normalize weight and improve overall well-being. Which foods are completely incompatible, and which "form" useful duets?

Compatibility of food products for weight loss and recovery

To understand such a concept as the compatibility of foods for weight loss and healing the body, you need to remember that they are all divided into three main groups. In this case, only food from the same group is ideally combined with each other.

The division of products into groups looks like this:

  • foods high in protein ¬ – this group includes eggs and meat, nuts and fish, crabs, shrimp and cheeses, legumes and low-fat milk, butter, sour cream.
  • carbohydrate – these include potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, dried fruits, sugar, cereals and various bakery and pasta products;
  • neutral are greens, vegetables and fruits, olives, sprouts of grain products, vegetable oils.

Compatibility of foods for weight loss, a table for compiling a menu

If most people try to remember what they eat, then at least 50% of the total amount of food within one meal will be incompatible. According to experts, the systematic use of incompatible products is one of the main reasons for gaining excess body weight, which is aggravated by overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.

Compatibility of foods for weight loss, a table for compiling a menu

To make life easier for people who decide to lose weight “separately”, experts have compiled many different cheat sheets. One of them is the food compatibility table for weight loss, which allows you to quickly find out what you can eat together and what not.

Drawing up a menu for weight loss from the product compatibility table

Compatibility of foods for weight loss, a table for compiling a menu

Those who decide to make their own menu, taking into account the compatibility of products for weight loss, need to learn a few enough rules.

They look like this:

  • the most basic rule is in no case to mix protein foods with carbohydrate foods in the same meal. Proteins and carbohydrates can only be combined with neutral vegetables and herbs;
  • it is recommended to completely abandon semi-finished products and canned food or reduce their use to a minimum;
  • most of the diet should be neutral food;
  • it is important to maintain a balance between the alkaline-forming and acid-forming foods consumed so as not to upset the acid-base balance. The ideal ratio is 3:2;
  • protein and carbohydrate foods should be consumed in the first half of the day (of course, separately from each other), and neutral in the second;
  • Between the main meals, the break should be at least 4 hours. If it is difficult to withstand such a break, then you can have a snack only with neutral vegetables and herbs;
  • you can’t drink anything with food, neither tea, nor water, nor any other drinks. You can drink after eating at least 30-40 minutes;
  • it is categorically not recommended to eat in a hurry, you need to chew slowly, calmly, eating should become a kind of ritual.

Compatibility of foods for weight loss, a table for compiling a menu

By following these basic rules and eating your favorite foods in reasonable amounts, you can normalize your weight and maintain it at the right level.

Separate nutrition for weight loss: product compatibility table

Properly organize your separate diet for weight loss will help the product compatibility table, in which all products are divided into groups and their best combinations are indicated.

You can depict the compatibility table “in 2 words” as follows:

Bad match Squirrels Starchy
sweet fruits Starchy
Squirrels sour fruits
Greens and non-starchy vegetables Sweet and sour fruits
match well sour fruits Sweet and sour fruits
Sweet and sour fruits sweet fruits
Neutral combination Greens and non-starchy vegetables starch
squirrels Greens and non-starchy vegetables

Compiling your weight loss menu using this food compatibility table will not be difficult, even if you have never thought about compiling a healthy menu before.

Post source: www.9linesmag.com

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