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Proper nutrition for bowel problems: how to eat for bowel diseases and to cleanse it


Sometimes, by balancing the diet, you can do without surgical treatment at all, since by receiving digestible food, the body itself begins to cope with its functions.

Causes of bowel problems

The intestines resemble water pipes with greasy, sticky dirt adhering to the walls. A lot of food debris can hide between the villi and then slowly rot and decompose, poisoning the body. Especially a lot of slag lies in the bends of the intestine. If food does not linger on flat areas and therefore undigested particles are more or less removed from the body, then in bends they can lie for a long time. And if the slags are not removed in time, they will gradually thicken, harden and turn into fecal stones. They will slowly poison your blood, and this will affect your well-being. In addition to proper nutrition for bowel disease, even an ordinary enema, with which, by the way, Buddhist monks begin every morning, is a very effective way of cleaning.

In diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands), constipation may occur due to an increase or decrease in the hormonal effect on bowel movements. Circulatory disorders in the intestinal vessels in atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases also cause constipation. As well as insufficient physical activity, which inhibits the motor function of the intestine, especially in the elderly.

In addition, there are other causes of bowel problems, for example, long-term use of medications. To the greatest extent, this occurs when taking atropine, various narcotic drugs, some anticonvulsants (for example, diphenin), calcium bicarbonate (baking soda). Psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers, antidepressants), some diuretics, iron preparations, aluminum hydroxide (almagel) can cause similar problems.

Proper dietary nutrition for intestinal diseases

Compliance with certain requirements for the preparation of a diet for intestinal problems plays a huge role in its treatment. Every person suffering from constipation should know which nutrients promote bowel movement and which delay its emptying.

How to eat with bowel problems to help empty it? Black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, bread containing a significant amount of bran, buckwheat, barley and oatmeal, meat with a lot of connective tissue, pickles, marinades, herring, canned snacks, soft drinks (mineral water, lemonade, juices), beer, kvass, sour cream, cream, sweet dishes, kissels, fermented milk products (yogurt, one-day kefir, white grape wines).

Adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition for intestinal diseases, exclude foods containing tannin and delaying its emptying. These include: dried blueberries, strong black tea, cocoa, natural red wines, pureed food, viscous substances (slimy soups and pureed cereals, especially semolina and rice).

When compiling a diet for intestinal diseases and constipation, the content of dietary fiber in products should be taken into account. With a large amount of coarse fiber in the diet, people with complaints of bloating release on average 2 times more gases than with a diet with a moderate content of them, and almost 5 times more than with a liquid, chemically homogeneous diet without dietary fiber. Patients with complaints of bloating are limited or even excluded from the diet of foods rich in dietary fiber. Also, therapeutic nutrition for intestinal diseases excludes dishes from beans, cabbage, sorrel, spinach and others that cause increased gas formation. Of fruit juices, apple and grape juices are not recommended.

How to eat to cleanse the intestines

In diseases of the intestine, accompanied by severe peristalsis, especially in the presence of spastic pain in the abdomen, a diet rich in dietary fiber can cause increased pain. In such cases, a diet low in dietary fiber is used first. To reduce and subsequently eliminate intestinal spasms, anti-spastic agents are prescribed, then foods containing fiber of a delicate, and subsequently coarser consistency are gradually added to food. Since plums contain organic acids that promote bowel movements, despite their relatively low fiber content (0.5 g per 100 g), patients with constipation are recommended prunes in any form, including infusion, dried fruit puree.

There is one more tip on how to eat to cleanse the intestines: regularly eat the Panicle salad.

Salad recipe "Metelka" for bowel cleansing. Grate cabbage, raw beets, apples and carrots in equal proportions on a coarse grater. Mix the chopped vegetables and knead with your hands until the juice is released. Then add a little lemon juice, any vegetable oil, finely chopped and pre-soaked prunes. You can’t salt the salad! It is very good to arrange fasting days with this salad. But if you find it hard to endure them, then eat this salad instead of dinner.

Post source: www.9linesmag.com

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